


by TrentwoodBuilding |August 18, 2017 |0 Comments | Blogs, Blogs special, Renovation

If you are planning and looking to renovate, the timing of your renovation is very important. And as much as that timing can be dependent upon a range of circumstances that are unique to every project, there are a few key thoughts to consider that will help give you greater clarity. Timing can truly be the difference between a smooth and satisfying building project or a clunky and challenging one.

Here are 3 thoughts for consideration that will help you discover when it’s a good time to renovate your home:



Planning your project around the weather seems to be a small factor in comparison to the bigger concerns of family, job and finances. However, weather can be the biggest cause of prohibiting a project’s progression because of how exposed to the elements building commonly is. Choosing a time of year that will provide the most consistent and appropriate weather for building will help guarantee a smooth and satisfying renovation.

At Trentwood, we recommend that any necessary planning and preparation is undertaken in the months prior to spring (September) as this time of year provides the best window for consistently good weather.



Having the funds to finish your project prior to commencing your project is a very advisable position to get yourself in! Commencing without being financially sound to do so can cause you a lot of headaches and guarantee you a bumpy ride. One of (if not the best) indicator of a good time to start your renovation is when you have the finances you need to be able to complete your renovation. This should include a contingency, as there are always unexpected and unforeseen costs with any renovation.



We strongly recommend you take the time to plan your project before you start. The countless stories and examples of unnecessary pain and problems  caused by a lack of planning are scary! Especially when renovating your home! A really good way to know when to renovate is to ask yourself “Am I happy with the plans in place?” (This is obviously assuming that you have plans in place, which if you don’t then there’s probably a bigger problem.) It is important that you feel happy with what you have planned to do. If you don’t feel a sense of satisfaction and excitement about the plans in place before you start, then you will most definitely be in denial during the process! Make sure you are happy with the plans for your renovation and when you are, this is a great indicator that you should start your renovation.


Assessing these 3 considerations will help you gauge whether you are ready to start your renovation or not. Obviously there are a lot of other factors and circumstances unique to you and your project but checking off these 3 thoughts is definitely a great way to know you’re ready. Trentwood is committed to helping you with this process and making sure your renovation meets all your expectations and beyond.

Want some more tips for renovating and building? Check out this and this!


by TrentwoodBuilding |August 4, 2017 |0 Comments | Blogs, Blogs special, Demolition

Getting the demolition for your project done first seems like an obvious thing, and to be honest it is. However, it’s worth writing about as there are few things worse than the horrors of a job that is stop-start due to unfinished demolition.

Incomplete demolition creates frequent interruption to the building process that ultimately prolongs the time frame of the renovation and increases expenditure.


As the client, providing pre-construction information for your builder is key to the success of this stage. Locating reports and surveys is necessary for determining essential details like the presence of asbestos, structural stability of the site & nearby structures, the location of above & below ground live services in the work area etc. These must be done before commencing demolition and not left for the builder to discover after having already begun the process.


Ensuring that the necessary time is taken to be effectively prepared for your demolition is vital. Poor preparation will always result in a poor process, especially in a renovation or addition. So some keys in preparation are:

  • Make sure that all safety hazards are taken into account.
  • Check that all leads and electrical infrastructure is safely removed.
  • Determine if all surrounding structures are properly braced and protected.

A lack of preparation leaves an open door for greater error and unforeseen circumstances to arise. It’s worth adopting the Scouts motto “be prepared”


Breaking down the project to allow for demolition, foundations, construction, finishing and fit out will dramatically improve the effectiveness of that project for a renovation or addition. Seeing your renovation as one big project will be overwhelming and cause greater potential for key stages in the process to be overlooked. A clear breakdown of exactly what the demolition will require, how long and how much it will cost may take more time to gather but will save you time and money in the long run. Always allow for a contingency as unforeseen circumstances will arise but a clear breakdown will help manage expectations and timing of the project.


Always make sure that the demolition stage for your renovation or addition is thoroughly thought through; it will save you time, money and many a headache. Don’t be impatient or over zealous. The best projects are the ones that are well measured and prepared for. You will find your building project is smooth and successful if you commit to getting the demo done first.

Trentwood provides full demolition services that ensure the building process is not stop-start, but smooth and consistent, all the way from start to finish.


by TrentwoodBuilding |July 6, 2017 |0 Comments | Blogs, Blogs special, Swimming Pool
How long does a renovation usually take?

How Long Does A Renovation Usually Take?

by TrentwoodBuilding |March 16, 2017 |0 Comments | Blogs, Blogs special

Renovations, dependent on what you are renovating and how large of a project it is, can take varying lengths of time. Having an understanding of how long and what is required in your renovation is very important for the process to be smooth and successful. Alongside that, undergoing the proper steps of preparation in any renovation will save you time and money if you do the hard work first.

Here are 3 typical renovations with an approximate time frame and explanation.


A kitchen can take approximately 2-4 months based on the replacement of appliances and cabinets, the installation of counters, backsplash and Kitchen Island (if applicable), the replacement of floors and the addition of lighting.

Important to note that a kitchen in everyday life is a central part of the household so to be without a kitchen can make home life quite difficult. This may require you to be creative or to look at other living arrangements for the duration of the process.


A bathroom will generally take 2-3 months and can involve tiling, plumbing, lighting, cabinets, toilet, shower and bath installation. A shorter time frame than the kitchen due to decreased amount of electrical and ventilation work required.

A bathroom, assuming there is only one, is another reasonably central part of everyday life and may again require you to get creative or also to look for other living arrangements – unless you are really close with your neighbours?!


A room renovation or addition can take 1-2 months to be completed. There are structural and foundation preparations that must take place before commencing demolition and rebuild which can add to the time frame. A room addition or renovation will follow the drawings, as would any other renovation or addition. A builder, gyprocker and electrician will be required, along with a painter for your final product.
The project can affect home life but not likely to the degree of a bathroom or kitchen as there are a number of ways to work around having no bedroom or office.

These 3 typical renovations should give you a clearer understanding of how long a renovation can take and in particular these 3 popular projects. Again it must be stressed that effective planning and preparations prior to commencing your project will always positively affect your renovation budget and schedule.

Please contact us at trentwoodbuildingservices.com.au for further information or for quoting on your next renovation.

The Renovation Process From Start To Finish

by TrentwoodBuilding |March 7, 2017 |0 Comments | Blogs, Blogs special, Renovation

Renovating is a process that typically takes longer than you would like and is subject to a number of variables along the way. Insight into the steps required in the renovation process will help you gain an understanding so you’re not flying blind into your next renovation!

From our experience of over 25 years in the building industry, here are some insights that we believe will help you.



Dream The Dream

Spend the time in research, discussion, dreaming, comparison and brainstorming what you want for your renovation! Don’t miss, rush or ignore this process; it becomes extremely important for creating a platform to build your project on. A half plan will never go to plan and is filled with changes and interruptions that draw out the project and drain your resources. Be sure to have all your requirements in place before you commence – kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.

Draw The Dream

Once you have as clear as possible picture of what you want, it’s now time to get the drawings done. Bring in an architect and a builder to get a blueprint drawn up of what your renovation is going to look like. Again, this is an extremely helpful and vital process in preparing for your renovation and will save you time and money in the end!



Do Your Research

At this stage it is important to find a good builder that you trust and feel confident that they know what you’re after. It is a good idea to seek out advice and testimonials about the builder or a few that you are considering. Your partnership with the builder is paramount to the success of your project, so take the time to ensure you find somebody who puts your needs and wants first. Part of this process is getting your quote; so your next step is to get the builder you feel good about to come and give you a quote. The cheapest quote is not the best quote, you are looking for a reliable builder with a good track record, and not the cheapest quote. Often the cheapest quote is accompanied with the cheapest quality of work.



Do Your Engineering Details

Having chosen your builder you will now need to get your structurals done. These are the engineering details for you project. This is a simple process and it is best to go through your chosen builders engineer due to the already established relationship they will have in place.

Do The Approvals

This is simply where all the necessary approvals are submitted for your project.

Do Your Project Schedule

You will need to lock in your start date with the builder; the sooner you can get this locked into the calendar, the sooner you can get underway with your renovation. It’s also important to set clear expectations of how long the project will take and come to an agreed time frame with your builder so that you can manage any problems or interruptions. Make sure you have some clear boundaries and deadlines to keep your project on schedule and on budget. Be sure to work out whether you’ll need to move out or have a clear plan on how you will do day to day life in and amongst the renovation process.

Do A List Of Who Is Who

Creating a list of names will help you know who’s who and what they are doing on your building site. This will help keep you in the loop and create a connected, “on the same page” environment for your renovation.



Ensure you have FUNDS TO FINISH THE PROJECT! Having done the first three steps, it is important that you are financially solid and able to see the project through to its completion. If you do not have funds to finish the project you will have to start and stop which will draw out the process and frustrate those involved which will not be to your advantage.



Having done all the above preparation, your process will be ready to get underway! Don’t delay once you’ve finished the preparation. It’s important to have a final meeting with your builder before construction commences to sign off on all the details and processes you’ve discussed. You should establish any final expectations and communications for the duration of your renovation. It’s now time to let the builder and his team do their thing. Prior to the completion of your project, you should book in a meeting with your builder for after the project is finished for full closure on your renovation and to gather any final information, pictures and details that you may like.

These steps are some solid guidelines on what the renovation process looks like! As you can see from the above content, the bulk of the work on your end is in the preparation. The more effectively you prepare, the better renovation process you will experience!

If you are looking for a builder for your next renovation you can contact us here through our online form and we’ll get back to you ASAP!